Drug Addiction Recovery: how Long Does it Take?

Alcohol and drugs have drastic effects on the neurotransmitters and neural pathways of your brain. Alcohol and drug addiction is a lingering problem as a result. At the same time, the brain struggles to sustain balance, therefore whenever drugs and alcohol alter the brain’s chemistry, it tends to adapt.

Once the adaption becomes normal for it, the brain will want to “correct” an imbalance when the drug is no longer present by taking the drug again and again.

Over time, substance use disorder changes both the brain’s structure and how it functions.

If you or a loved one is eager to set out on the road to rehab, you might be wondering: “how long does it take to break an addiction to any type of drug or alcohol?”

The duration of Durham addiction treatment will vary based on the individual and substance being abused, but there are a few common stages often experienced.

We’ll discuss it thoroughly in this article!

Searching for “drug addiction treatment near me?” Don’t panic, you’ve got help!

At Recovery Center Carolina we offer exceptional Durham, NC addiction treatment programs for those at all stages of the journey to recovery.

What Is Alcohol or Drug Addiction?

Alcohol or drug addiction doesn’t arise overnight. It can take months, even years, to develop an addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction is a brain disorder. It is described as someone pursuing dangerous substances and contributing to compulsive behaviors, despite negative consequences.

This can imply that even though a person may lose their job, relationships, or even their home, they persist in using drugs. They find it almost inconceivable to stop using drugs, even though they are fully aware of their harmful effects.

Drugs trigger the reward center in the brain. The “feel good” chemicals are released and compel the addict to keep on using the drug. After some time, the brain starts building up tolerance against the drug and desires more and more of it to acquire that same feeling of reward.

Long-term addiction can even alter the brain’s structure and affect its functions related to stress, judgment, learning, coping, memory and behaviors. It is a type of chronic disease that often entails multiple relapses.

Breaking an addiction for good can be a complicated and slow process. Getting help from professionals is critical, as they utilize proper tools and skills to help you maintain sobriety.

What to Expect During Withdrawal?

Withdrawal starts just a few hours after the last time someone takes any kind of drug or drinks alcohol. It can appear differently for everyone, based on how much use is involved and the extent of addiction.

Withdrawal symptoms can be serious, from nausea and vomiting to severe stomach cramps. Some people may also experience sweating even though they feel cold and clammy. Others may end up crying or trying to cope with intense anxiety.

A person’s withdrawal symptoms may last longer than others, depending on the type of substance used. Some symptoms last a few days, while others can last up to almost two weeks or more.

Withdrawal can be more dangerous for some addicts. For instance, detoxification from alcohol can result in fatal reactions from the body. Therefore, it is significant to acquire adequate medical detox from a drug and alcohol specialist.

How Long Does it Take to Break a Drug Addiction?

It’s one of the most frequent questions people interested in addiction treatment programs are curious about– how long does it take to break an addiction?

It certainly depends on the individual, the substance they’re abusing, and their support system.

The most abused drugs prevail be:

  • Heroin
  • Opiates
  • Prescription medications
  • Fentanyl
  • Crack cocaine
  • Marijuana
  • Alcohol

Many drug addicts do not want to stay in this condition. They hate being bound to a substance that doesn’t enable them to have a normal happy life. They feel more like a slave to the drugs they use and find it hard to be employed.

But discontinuing a drug can seem inconceivable to do, particularly when they have spent months, maybe years, trying to break their addiction on their own.

Determining the Length of Drug or Alcohol Treatment

Once a person arrives at their rehabilitation clinic they are assigned to a drug specialist who will be responsible for diagnosing their substance use disorder and specifying the best treatment plan to fit their requirements. The length of drug or alcohol treatment will depend upon how well an addict is performing in treatment. For some people, it will be shorter than for others.

Based on the type of rehabilitation program a person is attending and their specific needs, the duration of an alcohol rehab procedure can vary.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the majority of people who are addicted to drugs require at least 3 months of treatment to extensively reduce or stop their drug use. However, the best results come about with extended durations of treatment. The longer a person is exposed to treatments and sessions, either at a rehabilitation center or in the form of aftercare the better their possibilities will be to avoid relapse.

According to research people typically spend 7 to 11 days at an inpatient hospital-based treatment, 30 to 90 days at a residential rehabilitation clinic, and 6 months to 9 years at therapeutic communities (outpatient clinics). It also indicated that people generally attended aftercare or proceeded care for 2 years or longer.

Some Symptoms May Never Recover

Based on the full extent of an electromagnetic addiction, some symptoms may last with the person for the rest of their life.

For instance, heavy meth users can lose an entire part of the brain that supports motor coordination. The effects can be lifelong and would be relatively similar to what people with Parkinson’s disease go through. Moreover, meth addicts often pick and scratch at their skin until it bleeds, resulting in the formation of scars. Surgery may help, but it is also possible that the person will have to bear those scars forever.

No More Searching For “Drug Addiction Treatment Near Me,” Go Through Durham Addiction Treatment Now

The longer a person clings to an illicit substance, the more difficult it will be to recover. It will also take an extended time for the brain to heal, so it is best to seek professional assistance via Durham addiction treatment.

We, at Recovery Center Carolina, are always eager to help. In addition to our vast collection of resources, we also offer an exclusive program to help maximize addicts’ outcomes. No more searching for “drug addiction treatment near me,” get in touch now!

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