Why Is Overcoming Meth Addiction So Difficult?

Some of the most difficult cases we treat at our Fayetteville recovery center are related to meth addiction. In most of the cases, patients arrive at our clinic after many years of struggling with the effects of methamphetamine on their body and mind.

However, you will be in good hands if you come to us. Our addiction treatment specialists know how this substance works and what to do to help you live drug-free.

How Does Meth Addiction Happen?

A 2005 study estimated that over 12 million people in the US (around 5% of the adult population) have used meth at least once while over half a million use the drug on a weekly basis. A 2019 National Institute on Drug Abuse report estimated that 1.6 million people had a methamphetamine use disorder in the past year.

These numbers show how widespread and powerful meth addiction is. The reason for this is how it works in the human body. Methamphetamine increases the dopamine levels in the brain. This chemical substance regulates feelings of pleasure and motivation.

Thus, after taking meth, users feel an intense sense of euphoria and pleasure called “the rush.” However, this sensation ceases after a few hours, leaving the person with feelings of:

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Paranoia.

Thus, they want to regain the rush and resort to taking another dose of meth.

Even Small Amounts of the Drug Produce Powerful Sensations

Another problem with the difficulty to overcome meth addiction is that there is no “safe” quantity to try as a one-time occurrence. Even very low doses create intense sensations, such as:

  • Euphoria or extremely happy mood
  • Feeling invincible
  • Vivid hallucinations.

The sad reality is that almost everyone develops an addiction to meth after trying it for the first time.

meth is one of the most highly addictive drugs

Methamphetamine Affects How the Brain Works

Some patients at our Durham recovery center need specialized treatment to recover from the most powerful negative effect of meth addiction – a change in their brain works. Since the drug influences the production of dopamine in the brain, over a period of time, the users feel unable to enjoy simple everyday activities.

A scientific study also showed that long-term users of meth suffer from impaired cognitive functions, especially:

  • Attention
  • Working memory
  • Flexibility in thinking
  • Executive function
  • Social cognition.

Also, meth addiction leads to a reduced ability to make decisions, often resulting in engaging in risky behavior, such as driving under the influence at high speed and participating in dangerous activities, which pose a threat to their physical integrity or even their life.

Methamphetamine Use Triggers Mental Disorders

Meth addiction by itself is very hard to overcome. But it is made even harder by the fact that almost half of the users develop co-occurring mental disorders, such as:

  • Paranoia
  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations.

In time, this makes them unable to function in daily life situations and distinguish between reality and the scenarios created by meth in their brain. Also, these co-occurring mental conditions make it hard for addicted persons to participate in standard therapy programs.

They need a Durham recovery center that offers a holistic approach to addiction therapy, including medication to reduce or control the symptoms of mental health conditions.

Withdrawal Symptoms Are Extreme and Dangerous

Last but not least, meth addiction is hard to overcome because its withdrawal symptoms are extremely severe. They can range from anxiety and irritability to paranoia and violent behavior. The person may become a danger to themselves and to their family, friends, or regular people around them.

These symptoms are coupled with an intense craving for the drug, in order to experience the pleasure and euphoria it gives users.

Our Fayetteville Recovery Center Can Help with Meth Addiction Treatment!

Overcoming addiction to methamphetamine is difficult, but not impossible. Our specialists will create an evidence-based personalized program to help you eliminate the substance from your body and the craving from your mind.

Take the first step towards an addiction-free life! Call our Fayetteville recovery center at (812) 408-8842 and schedule an initial appointment!

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